Monday, January 23, 2012

Monthly Progress Pictures

Maks at One Week Old
The Omphalocele housed his liver and small intestine.
There was a thin membrane holding everything in.

Maks at One Month Old
We were painting the omphalocele with Sivadene cream and wrapping it daily.
Maks at Two Months Old
Still painting and wrapping
The omphalocele had begun to change shape and skin had started growing.

Maks at Three Months Old
Still painting and wrapping
You notice a difference in shape and size here.

Maks at Four Months
Still painting and wrapping
The omphalocele was drastically smaller.  
Maks at Five Months
Still painting and wrapping.
We were able to reduce the amount of gauze we used.

Maks at Six Months
We were using a tiny amount of Silvadene cream and wrapping
with a small roll of gauze.  All of the liver and intestines were inside at this point.
What is left is just extra skin.


  1. Nikki, this is Judy Shelton from Manila. I am very proud and praise GOD for all your glory. Thank you for preparing and posting all of Maks Rivers' progress for other to experience. I am thankful to God that you have become friends with my good friends John & Danna. God's intervention!!! We are praying for baby Charlotte and her Mom, Dad, & big Sister. I also have Maks, you and your family I give Thanks to God. He is allowing you to help others!!! Please tell your Mom I said Hi!!

  2. Thank you so much Judy! It is great to hear from you. I will tell mom you said hi!
